
2007 Sermons

Date Preacher Title Passage Audio
12 - 30Rev. Tony CostaThe Parable of the Pearl of the Great PriceMatthew 13: 45-46
12 - 23Rev. Cannon KwanGod’s Grace: God with usMatthew 1:18-25
12 - 16Rev. Steve HawkinsImmanuel God With usIsaiah 7:14; Matthew 1: 23
12 - 09Rev. Grover CrosbyThe Grinch that tried to steal ChristmasMatthew 2: 1 - 23
12 - 02Mr. Matt GunnRelativityGenesis 1:1; Psalm 33:6-9
11 - 25Pastor Tony CostaThe Parable of the Hidden TreasureMatthew 13: 44
11 - 18Rev. Wesley LimBeauty IN the BeastMark 5: 1 - 20  
11 - 11Dr. Heman ChowKnockoffsIsaiah 8 : 19 – 9 : 7  
11 - 04Rev. Paul JohnsonA heart of thanksgivingColossians 3: 14-16
10 - 28Pastor Tony CostaThe Parable of the YeastMatthew 13 : 33 - 35
10 - 21Ms Pearl ShumEnd Time RescueGen. 7:1-16
10 - 14Mr. Edward TongArrows in His quiverIsaiah 49 : 1 - 6
10 - 07Pastor Quang NguyenGive Thanks to the LordRome 1 : 20 – 25, Psalm 103 : 1 – 5
09 - 30Pastor Tony CostaThe Parable of the Mustard SeedMatthew 13 : 31 - 32
09 - 23 Pastor Brian GilroyHope Comes In The MorningJohn 20 : 10 -18
09 - 16 Pastor Lindo GillardGenerosity2 Corinthians 8:1 - 15
09 - 09 Pastor Jones LeeGood to the Bone Christian1 Samuel 23: 26 - 27, 24: 3 - 12
09 - 02Dr. Paul MagnusCome Follow Me and Please Lead MissionallyMatt. 4: 18-22; Luck 5: 1-11; John 1: 35-50
08 - 26Pastor Tony CostaParables of the Mystery KingdomMatthew 13 : 24 - 30, 36 - 43
08 - 19Pastor Kevin WhiteLight of the WorldJohn 1 : 1-12
08 - 12Ms. Grace ChengTrue WorshipIsaiah 58: 1 - 14
08 - 05Mr. Gordon WongNumbering our daysPsalm 90: 1 – 17
07 - 29Pastor Tony Costa
07 - 22Pastor Andy CookLove Mission1 Corinthians 13: 1 - 3
07 - 15Rev. Cannon KwanWorshipIsaiah 6 : 1 – 13
07 - 08Rev. Brian LiseThe Landmarks of LifeGenesis 12: 1- 9
06 - 24Pastor Tony CostaThe Parable of the SowerMatthew 13: 1- 9, 18 - 23
06 - 17Pastor Kevin WhiteThe Father’s LoveLuke 15: 11-32
06 - 10Rev. Steve HawkinsThe Christian Warriors’ ArmourEphesians 6: 10-24
06 - 03Pastor Kevin WhiteGrowing PainHabakkuk 3: 16-19
05 - 27Pastor Tony CostaBe Filled With the Spirit  Acts 2: 1-21, 32-33
05 - 20Rev. Cannon KwanWorship, We’re not alone!1 Corinthians 14 : 22 - 33
05 - 13Rev. Steve HawkinsHoly WarEphesians 6: 10-24
05 - 06Dr. Herman ChowGod is Closer Than You ThinkGenesis 28:10-22
04 - 29Pastor Tony CostaThe Parables of the Mystery Kingdom: An IntroductionMatthew 13: 10 -17
04 - 22Mr. Reuben CarlesSpiritual Maturity I Corinthians 3: 1-5
04 - 15Pastor Kevin WhiteBelieving ThomasPsalms 18:2
04 - 08Rev. Steve HawkinsSatisfaction through ServanthoodRo 12: 1–2, 1 Th 5: 21-24
04 - 01Mr. Gordon WongEarnestly Seeking God2 Kings 5:1-14
03 - 25Pastor Tony CostaThe Road Less TravelledLuke 18: 9 - 14
03 - 18Rev. Paul JohnsonIntentional MinistryLoveILuke 22 : 39 - 42
03 - 11Rev. Steve HawkinsLove for the LordJohn 21 : 1 - 17
03 - 04Dr. Dennis NgienMake My Joy CompletePhilippians 2: 1-4
02 - 25Mr. John TorsThe Bible and Mr. Potato Head1 Samuel 13: 8-14
02 - 18Pastor Tony CostaHolding tight with God's handHebrew 11:8-10
02 - 11Mr. Raymond RobynThe Church Walking on the Highway of HolinessIsaiah 35
02 - 04Mr. Gordon WongPleasing The Lord1 Kings 3:6-14
01 - 28Pastor Tony CostaGod's Amazing Grace Ephesians 2:1-10
01 - 21Mr. Daniel AbemotOur prayer lives and forgivenessMatthew 6:12, 14-15
01 - 14Rev. Brian LiseWe will serve the LordJoshua 24:1-15