
2012 Sermons

Date Preacher Title Passage Audio
10 - 07Pastor Steven BaptistI saw the LightActs 26: 9-18
09 - 30Rev. Vicente LeeLiving the Life of FaithHebrews 12: 1-3
09 - 23Pastor Steven BaptistSimon the MagicianActs 8
09 - 16Pastor Steven BaptistGod’s PlanActs 6-8:1a
09 - 09Dr. Paul TheophilusWhy and How to ServeRomans 12: 1-2
09 - 02Rev. Steve Hawkins
08 - 26Rev. Steve Hawkins
08 - 19Mr. Gabriel ChanMeeting God at Water GateNehemiah 8: 1-12
08 - 12Pastor Joel TangTruth and ConsequencesActs 5: 17-42
08 - 05Pastor Steven BaptistBeware of the SerpentActs 4: 32 – 5: 16
07 - 29Pastor Steven BaptistPersecution, Prayer and PowerActs 4:5 - 30
07 - 22Rev. Paul WangInfluence that InspiresLuke 7:1-10
07 - 15Pastor Anthony LoThe Power of His NameActs 3 – 4: 4
07 - 08Pastor Steven BaptistPower from HeavenActs 2
07 - 01Pastor Steven BaptistThe faith of the first ChristiansActs 1
06 - 24Pastor Daniel LeeGod’s generous graceMatthew 20: 1-16
06 - 17Pastor Steven BaptistPersistenceMatthew 25: 14-30
06 - 10Rev. Steve Hawkins
06 - 03Pastor Steven BaptistLove Justice Truth1 John 4:10
05 - 27Pastor Daniel LeeChrist is light, so live as light!Ephesians 5:8-21
05 - 20Pastor Steven BaptistLiving BackwardsMatthew 16:21-28
05 - 13Steve Hawkins
05 - 06Pastor Steven BaptistAll to JesusMatthew 13: 44-52
04 - 29Rev. Vincent LeeDisciples: Members of the body of ChristJesus’1 Corinthians 12: 12-27
04 - 22Pastor Steven BaptistGauging the SoilMatthew 13: 1-23
04 - 15Rev. Wesley LimWe “can” handle the TRUTH!Jesus’Matthew 10:24 - 31
04 - 08Rev. Law Wing FatHe is RisenLuke 24: 1-12; 2 Corinthians 4: 8-10
04 - 01Pastor Steven BaptistJesus’ Commissioning InstructionsMatthew 10: 1-20
03 - 25Pastor Steven BaptistCounting the CostMatthew 8: 18-22
03 - 18Pastor Anthony LoThe Most Important Decision in LifeMatthew 7: 13-29
03 - 11Pastor Steven BaptistServing GodMatthew 3: 19-34
03 - 04Mr. Gabriel ChanGPS for the Life JourneyMark 1:32-39
02 - 26Pastor Steven BaptistOur daily breadMatthew 6: 1-18
02 - 19Mr. Philip LeeCommunityActs 2: 42-47
02 - 12Pastor Anthony LoPotent Salt and Visible LightMatthew 5: 13-16
02 - 05Rev. Kevin LuongA Closer WalkExodus 24: 1-18
01 - 29Rev. Wesley LimBe” the “AttitudeMatthew 5: 1-12
01 - 22Pastor Daniel Leeoff the old for the new in ChristEphesians 4: 17-32
01 - 15Pastor Steven BaptistFishers of MenMatthew 4: 18-25
01 - 08Pastor Joel TangFollowing Christ Begins with WorshipMatthew 4: 1-11
01 - 01Pastor Steven BaptistFollow Christ RepentanceMatthew 3: 1-17