
2017 Sermons

Date Preacher Title Passage Audio
12 - 31Rev. Daniel NgCall to worshipPsalms 147; Luke 2:22-40
12 - 24Rev. Anthony-LoEmmanuel – God With UsMatthew 1:18-25,Isaiah 7:10-16
12 - 17Rev. Paul WangGod Became A ChildIsaiah 9:2-7
12 - 10Rev. Daniel NgGod's Comfort for His peopleIsaiah 40:1-11
12 - 03Rev. Daniel LeeBearing fruit to the Father's gloryJohn 15:1-8
11 - 26Pastor Lucas JervisDiscipleship through the DisciplinesActs 2:42
11 - 19Rev. Daniel NgBe Prepared for the coming of the Lord!!1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11
11 - 12Rev. Daniel NgHopelessness?Matthew 25:1-13, Joshua 24:14-25
11 - 05Pastor Daniel NgStand firm in the word of GodJoshua 3: 7- 17
10 - 29Rev. Kinson LeungBegin with CompassionMatthew 9:35-38
10 - 22Rev. C.Y.YanNo RegretsIsaiah 6-8-13
10 - 15Rev. David LauGo and Bless Your Neighbor!Luke 10: 1-9
10 - 08Dr. Michael KnowlesI Have Been Crucified with ChristGalatians 2:20
10 - 01Rev. Anthony-LoOur Identity in ChristEcclesiastes 2:2-11, 1 Peter 2:9-10
09 - 24Pastor Daniel NgIs it right for you to be angry?Jonah 3: 10-4:11
09 - 17Rev. Andrew LamLearn to be Persistent in PrayerLuke 18:1-8
09 - 10Pastor Lucas JervisFishers of MenMatthew 4:19 & 28:19
09 - 03Pastor Daniel NgStanding in the middle of God's Deliverance PlanJeremiah 15: 15-21
08 - 27Ms. Elsie LoLearning from the Women: Part 2Mark 7:24-30
08 - 20Pastor Daniel NgDisciple Perspective (3): To be inclusiveIsaiah 56; Matthew 15: 21-28
08 - 13Pastor Stephen KwanMoved By CompassionLuke 10:25-37
08 - 06Ms. Elsie LoLearning from the Women: Part 1Mark 5:21-43
07 - 30Pastor Daniel NgDisciple Perspectives 2Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
07 - 23Rev. Daniel LeeThe way of the Righteous and the way of the WickedPsalm 1
07 - 09Dr. Paul WangPurity in a Sex-Crazed WorldGenesis 39:4-12
07 - 02Pastor Daniel NgThe development of FAITHJohn 20:1-23
06 - 25Pastor Daniel NgFollowed Jesus at a distanceMark 14: 66-72
06 - 18Pastor Daniel NgA Prefect demonstration of servingJohn 13: 1-17
06 - 11Rev. Anthony-LoWhat will it cost you to be a disciple?Luke 14:25-35
06 - 04Pastor Daniel NgNon-stop ForgivingMatthew 18: 22- 35
05 - 28Pastor Daniel NgWho is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?Matthew 18: 1- 35
05 - 14Dr. Dennis NgienMore Like ChristEphesians 4:32-5:2
05 - 07Pastor Daniel NgGodly Living1 Peter 2:11-25
04 - 30Rev. Anthony-LoWhat do you see?Luke 18:9-14, Luke 9:57-62, Isaiah 40:27-31
04 - 23Pastor Daniel NgWe are born again1 Peter 1:3-5; John 3:1-15; Acts 2:14a 22-32
04 - 16Rev. Anthony-LoWe are not the same in the Risen ChristJohn 20:19-23
04 - 09Pastor Daniel NgFollowing The Humble KingMatthew 16:21--17:31
04 - 02Pastor Daniel LeeOvercoming Temptation1 Corinthians 10:12-13
03 - 26Rev. Steve HawkinsPutting on the new manColossians 3:12-17
03 - 19Pastor Daniel NgObtained access to His graceRomans 5:1-11
03 - 12Dr. Gordon HeathInstruments of Our Own Destruction1 King 4:29-34; 11:1-6
03 - 05Pastor Daniel NgDisciple's Declaration of FaithMatthew 16: 13-20
02 - 26Mr. Johnny WongUnited in Fellowship1 John 1:1-7; Acts 2:42-47
02 - 19Rev. Anthony-LoBeliever or discipleZephaniah 1:12; Jeremiah 2:5-13; Psalm 90
02 - 12Ms. Elsie LoThe Good Shepherd's VoiceJohn 10:1-21
02 - 05Pastor Daniel NgCall to pour out blessingsIsaiah 58:1-14; Corinthians 2:1-12
01 - 29Pastor Daniel NgWalk out from the boat....! Disciple!Matthew 14: 13-33
01 - 22Rev. Grover CrosbyFour Choices to Personal FreedomHebrews 11:23-28
01 - 15Pastor Daniel NgCome and SeeJohn 1:35-42
01 - 08Ms. Elsie LoEpiphanyMatthew 2:1-12
01 - 01Rev. Anthony-LoThe Unfailing Love of God1 Samuel 12:1-25